We did the race for the cure on May 8th. My cousin ashley bless her! Had shirts made that said three time survivor Mary Elen Belnap and on the back it said I wear pink for grammy! It was such a powerful overwhelming experience. I cried pretty much the whole race. We got her a wheel chair which she sat in for maybe 1/3 of the way. She said she wanted to get out because she didn't want people to think she couldn't walk on her own. She is the bravest most positive women in the world. She is in so much pain and still she is the sweetest most fun person to be around. When we would pass people they would yell "yay for grammy" It made her day. And when we crossed the finish line she raised her arms up and cheered. It was very sweet and I know it meant a lot to her to be with all those other great women who are battling the same battle as she is. It was very special to be a part of that amazing experience. Now onto Sawyer. We got his 4 month shots down on thursday. I HATE it so much. This time braydon came with me. He was so happy and laughing until she gave him the shots then he was a very sad baby. His leg still has a big bruise! His stats are weight still 50% his height is 73% (tall boy) and his head is 64%. So he is doing great!!! We started rice cereal and he started sleeping in his own room.... well when he does sleep he is in his own room. We are hoping he will start sleeping through the night soon. Cross your fingers. He is still such a happy baby and getting more and more fun. He talks in his sleep and he talks all day long.... He is really spoiled and never gets put down. I am thankful for all the people who love him and who are so good to him. We are so thankful that we have such a healthy happy sweet boy! He brings so much joy to us!
9 years ago