* Loves to hold books and turn the pages
* loves to sit up, but falls over somtimes.
* Loves to stand and hold on to the couch... with a little help now and then from mommy
* Loves to wake up and talk to his bear or the balloon I have attached to his crib.
* He loves to eat
* loves to eat fruit not so much veggies
* Loves to talk
* loves anyone who sings to him
* Loves to laugh
* loves to swim... he splashes and splashes sometimes it's scary when he gets a lot of water in his face. He would swim for hours if we let him.
* He loves being outside. If he is a little fussy and I take him outside he calms right down.
* He is starting to really recognize people he knows and people he doesn't. He still will smile and be happy if he doesn't know you, but sometimes he cries and When he sees someone he knows he gets very excited and waves his arms and kicks his legs.
* He would rather be on his back then his tummy ( he hats his tummy) but he would rather stand up then be on his back.
* He loves to wiggle... he is always moving. We are in trouble when he can walk.
Things Sawyer Hates
^ He hates to be alone. If I walk out of the room he whines and believe me it's a fake sad little whine.
^ He hates peas
^ He hates to snuggle
^ He hates to sleep anywhere but his own bed and it's a real struggle to get him to fall asleep anywhere else
^ He hates the car seat
^ He hates when he can't look around and see what is going on
I love everything about him, but here are a few things!
* I love how when we lay on our sides facing each other he will touch my face and leave his hands on my cheeks.
* I love how he laughs at his daddy
* I love that he loves me
* I love that he is so sweet
* I love that he smiles even when he is asleep
* I love how when he is very excited he will wrap his arms around my neck
* I love when I kiss his cheek he turns and tries to kiss me back
* I love that he kicks and waves his arms when he sees my dad
* I love that he can hear my moms voice and he looks for her... so sweet
* I love that he is mine and that we were so blessed with such a sweet, adorable, and funny baby. He has been such a good boy and even though he is getting so big we are in for some more great times with this little guy. I love him more everyday and and Braydon and I are so lucky.
This child of mine hated the bath when he was tiny... it was a real challenge at first. I tried everything,but now he is a water baby. He loves to go swimming. If i wasn't worried about the sun and him getting burned we would play in the pool all day everyday.
Having fun in his crib
This is what happens when you play to hard at our house.
A day at the park... He liked it for a while I am not sure why I put him in that sick swing... only for a dang picture. WE went home and put him in the bath.
Swimming with uncle Ben... We need to give a huge shout out to him. He got his mission call on wednesday! He is heading to Columbia. ( a little SCARY) We are so happy for him and so proud of him. He will loves those people and he will change their lives. We Love you Baby.
So tired from reading his book. He hardly ever falls asleep like this... I thought it was so cute.
Sawyer watching baby Einstein's shapes and colors... I don't claim it makes him smarter, but it saves my life sometimes. He loves it.
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