April 27, 2014

Sawyer... my soccer star

 Sawyer started spring soccer! oh my goodness... it is the most adorable hilarious thing ever! He was so bad the first game. He would just run everywhere that the ball wasn't, but he got better and better every week. He even scored a goal and it was the most awesome goal in the history of goals anywhere. I was cheering so loud. YES! i am going to be that mom and i'm proud of it and loving it. He will be so embarrassed his whole life, but i can't stop and i won't stop. His little team was so cute too. Some kids were really good and some kids were terrified to even get on the field.  They had their practices right before the games. Benson really wanted to play with his brother and would run on the field every chance he got. We also had a cheering section. Lauren, megan and kate came to watch him and they were just as loud as me. and we face timed my family so it was like they were there watching him. I love this little soccer player and seriously is there anything cuter then sawyer in soccer gear? i am just not sure if there is.

Sawyer... acted like a tiger, gave us the thumbs up, ran like a crazy person, gave us the i love you sign and made a smile every saturday!!

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