I am: really stressed
I think: all the time and nothing good comes out of it
I know: it will all work out eventually... but i hate waiting
I want: to feel safe
I have: a great husband, family and the best friends
I dislike: when you try and get to know someone and they don't try to get to know you back
I miss: bubba and sarah a lot
I fear: losing someone else
I feel: sad a lot and sometimes i don't have a reason
I hear: music on my i pod
I smell: my candle
I crave: nothing at the moment
I cry: a lot i'm a girl and some people would say i cry to much
I search: for a better tomorrow
I wonder: what if my friends miss me and if they are ok and how i can be a better friend and wife
I regret: not being a better person
I wish: i didn't worry
I love: my family and friends and my husband
I care: a lot more then people think...
I always: want my way
I worry: a lot it's a very bad habit to get into
I am not: crazy well at least i hope not
I remember: when life was easy, but i don't think i'd want to go back to that life
I believe: time heals what reason cannot
I sing: all the time and not good i might add
I don’t always: give in
I argue: a lot, but i'm working on it i promise
I write: letters to braydon once a week
I win: half the battles
I lose: half the battles
I listen: to my i pod and dance to it... mostly when i'm alone until braydon walks in... embarassing!!
I don’t understand: why bad things happen to good people
I can usually be found: working or at my moms... with brayd when he's not working
I need: to work harder at being nicer and less stressed
I forget: that it will be okay eventually just be patient
I am happy: when i'm with people i love and people who make me feel good