September 10, 2012

Sweet baby Benson

* he is getting so chubby!
* he is starting to sleep like his brother! heaven help us
* he is still so happy and smiley just like his brother... thank heavens
* he loves his jumper he could be in there for hours and sometimes he is ( bad mom?) and he falls asleep. he cries if i take him out when he wants to be in there
* he rarely takes a binky
* he is starting to not smile at everyone
* he still loves his mama the most... that will change here soon and his dad will be the best
* he makes the most hilarious faces when we face time my family
* he loves to chew on his fingers not his thumb and i'm trying to break him of the habit
* he hates his car seat just like sawyer did
* he is so sweaty
* he loves the bath... both boys could stay in there forever
* his hair is getting longer and thicker everyday
* I think it will be curly too... when it's wet it has a wave. I hope it goes curly
* he puts up with his brother loving him to much
* he smiles the most at sawyer
* he laughs all the time and is so ticklish
* he hates his feet tickled though he gets so mad
* he loves to make a pouty  face
* he still loves to be held all the time
* he loves to stick out his tongue at everyone
* He loves to gag himself with his fingers... bulimic
* he got his first bruise... it was an accident sawyer dropped the broom while cleaning and it hit benson on the head. He cried pretty hard and so did his brother. His brother felt so bad.
* he melts our hearts everyday and is sure loved by everyone especially us and his big brother

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