waiting to board our plane!! |
The boys were pumped!! |
Benson did not want to sit he wanted to get down and play |
Don't let these pictures fool you Benson was terrible. He would sleep for 10 minutes and wake up screaming and then fall asleep for three and wake up and it was on and on and our second flight he cried for three hours. My kids aren't big criers but benson couldn't figure it out. it was terrible and people were so nice asking what they could do to help, but no one could do anything. This is a picture of sawyer after i woke him up once we landed in utah at 1am which is 3 am kentucky time. |
wearing aunt manny's shoes |
We went on a morning walk with my dad since the boys were getting up at like 4 am everyday! we went to the park and played and by the time we got back we decided it was ok to wake up sunshine. Every morning sawyer would beg and beg to wake her up. we finally decided that 7 am he could wake her up. poor sunshine |
my mom has these amazing big stuffed animals and benson just loves the bear. He would always find it and snuggle up to it. |
cutest boys around! |
trying to have fun during family pictures! |
Birthday dinner with this guy! I have the greatest twin in the entire world! |
watching his uncles play basketball |
just being twins |
playing with auntie loodie |
all these pictures of us are hilarious... sawyer in his hulk costume sunshine got him
he totally fell asleep on the bench at church,,, but after sacrament was over. while i was talking to people. poor guy |
sawyer helping us blow our our candles
after birthday dinner |
sleepy guys |
they always fight over bampa's chair |
oh their eyes! they love riding high in bampa's truck and they love sitting right next to each other. |
Sawyer fell asleep right before the wedding dinner |
jackee and Ben are married and the boys are totally out! |
getting pictures at weddings can be really hard! |
loodie and jon dahl looking awesome in their wedding outfits! |
At ben and jackee's reception sawyer found kate blake walked out on the dance floor grabbed her and started slow dancing with her. it was seriously the cutest thing in the whole world and he was so sweet with her. Every time he would spin her he would say " you're doing it... your are doing so great sweetie" I am pretty sure these pictures will be so awesome in their wedding video! |
at their wedding dinner! |
the newlyweds!! we couldn't be happier that jackee is apart of our family. They are truly perfect for each other! |
after the wedding we got to party and swim!! |
Benson loves ben! |
playing in sunshines car |
He was exhausted and fell asleep on his bear |
my beautiful childhood home! i don't want anyone living in it! I love this home and i love all the memories . it's a place where my entire family lived. it's the place i brought my sawyer home from the hospital. it's an amazing place. |
we are of to the airport! I am so sad our trip was so short! |
This was the first time our sunshine has dropped us off... it was so sad we all cried. I am so thankful for my parents for all they have done, all the do, and all they will continue to do for our family. They truly are the most amazing people and my kids love them!!! hopefully our next trip home will be a lot longer and more playing! Now back to reality! |
our flights home were a lot better then our flights to utah! Thank heavens for that! |
pictures of all our swimming adventures in utah! we loved having our own pool and playing with our family
Braydon doing his thing!!! |
slide fail!! braydon let them go down at the same time!! i love sawyer's smashed face |
Both boys were really brave... especially sawyer doing all sorts of crazy tricks and moves! |
The newlyweds came for a little swim to say goodbye to us. it meant so much to me. |
surfing |