So my baby Ben is a Jr. in high school... I know he is getting so old. He is so handsome and so kind. Lately what my weekends consist of is going to his basketball games. He is such a good player, but what is the deal with high school basketball or high school sports in general? It's all politics. Ben is quiet and we works really hard, but he doesn't kiss the coaches butts so he doesn't play as much as he should. Only 3 jr's made it this year which is crap in itself. If the jrs do anything wrong they are taken out and benched until the coach remembers to put them. When i say remembers it's usually when I yell to put them in and i'm not quiet or kind about it. Ben should play he is so good and it's not just because he is my brother. It's not one of those things like on american idol tryouts where the really sweet spirits sing who really shouldn't, but they are told by their families how good they are. It's nothing like that. My brothers are just naturally athletic. Ben is such a sweet boy and he deserves to play, but the coaches play their sons who really shouldn't play before anyone else. It's so frustrating for these jr. boys who work so hard. I am proud of my baby boy working so hard and staying strong even when the coaches are so mean and yell at the players even when they do something right. I wish he wasn't so grown up and having girlfriends and i wish he would still hang out with me. He is one of my greatest friends. Love you baby!!
Erica- I agree High School sports suck everything is so political! I would love to keep reading your blog1 Please send me an invite... Ashley2882@aol.com Hope all is well!
Hi, Erica,
My brother Joseph is a senior in high school here in Rexburg and he was a big football player and was good and the coach only had his favorites so we know how you feel high school sports are so political and it does bit.
Michelle from Driggs Brayon cousin
I know Jimmy and a lot of his friends didn't try out their senior year due to a certain coach and all the political crap! They need to try and fix that problem, especially at BHS!
Erica! I could not agree more. I'm sorry Ben is getting the short end of the stick. Anytime you want to rant and rave about high school coaches I will be there to listen ;).
Here is my email:
oh i just love you! i can just imagine you screaming at the coaches
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