January 27, 2012

Cooking, playing and the big boy potty!

Sawyer just loves to help me cook! Everyone morning he wants to help me make breakfast mostly waffles, but he loves to cook eggs too. Lunch he doesn't really participate in I guess lunch is the least fun! Dinner he is always in the kitchen with me the entire time. If I don't have the chair ready he lets me know it's time for dinner and to "grab it"

This was the first time he helped me make cookies. He thought it was "Deeeeeelicious"

he is also obsessed with play dough, crayons, and paint. if we don't do one of these things i'm in trouble.

Sawyer has been interested in the big boy potty for a really long time. He always would tell me he was going and that he wanted a new diaper. So we thought after Christmas we would just introduce him to the big potty and see what happened because i really wasn't sure if he was ready. It has been going pretty well. I still think most kids potty train quickly easily but we kind of aren't pushing it and he tells us when he needs to go. At first he was just telling us he needed to go and we would run to the toilet and he would just sit there for a while do nothing and say "all done" So for a  few days we just made it a really big deal even if he didn't go and cheer every time we went on the potty. We sat him down and told him if he went pee pee he could have a treat and if he went poop he could have a present. So Monday he actually started telling us he had to go and would actually go!! So he got treats and he liked that so now he is doing it all day. He either goes naked during the day because he takes of his diaper or he wears his underware. We have had one accident! Tonight was the first night that he has acutally gone poop! We were pretty excited and he got his present so he was soooo happy. It may take us longer then other kids and i'm ok with it. We don't want to freak out our sensitive child.

So this is kinda sick sorry, but he took his cookie in the bathroom because he can no get on and off the toilet by himself YAY!! So I followed him in and he had his toy and a cookie while on the toilet. today when he got off the toilet he said "proud of ya buddy" He repeats everything and this time I didn't even have to say it!!

1 comment:

The Clarks said...

Oh my goodness he is beyond adorable!! I just love him